From September 12 to 15 Modern Moves team member Madison Moore will be a featured guest at the TBA (Time Based Art) Festival in Portland, Oregon. He will serve as a celebrity guest judge at Critical Mascara “A Post-Realness Drag Ball” and will also lead a public conversation, “Tea With Madison Moore & Pepper Pepper” on the power of fashion, queerness and nightlife. His work at Critical Mascara will be worked into a chapter on nightlife in his forthcoming book The Theory of the Fabulous Class.
Creole Power: Modern Moves Closing Party
Friday 4th May 2018 Anatomy Lecture Theatre (day) and Great Hall (evening) King’s College London, Strand Campus, WC2R 2LS Five years of Modern Moves draw to a close. Celebrate with…
Moving Group

Moving Group 5: Tango: Black Atlantic and Beyond. Report by Ananya Kabir
Our fifth Moving Group was dedicated to an exploration of tango music and dance, and it involved a double bill. First, we heard Dr Kendra Stepputat, ethnomusicologist from the University…